Recent Publications
- Verfassungsblog: Austria’s Populist Turn. Constitutional Conventions, Federalism and Resilience,, 16.1.2025
- Neurophysiological Correlates of Expert Knowledge: An Event-Related Potential (ERP) Study about Law-Relevant Versus Law-Irrelevant Terms, Brain Sciences 2024 (together with Peter Walla and Stefan Kalt)
- Empowering Cities by Constitutional Pluralism, in: Richard Albert/Alexandra Flynn/Nathalie Des Rosiers (eds), The Past, Present, and Future of Canadian Cities: Where the Law Went Wrong and How We Can Fix It, McGill-Queen’s University Press (2024) 229–250
- Country Report: Austria, in: Luis Roberto Barroso/Richard Albert (eds), The 2023 International Review of Constitutional Reform (2024) 30–34 (together with Eleonóra Wagenknecht)
- Constitutional Compliance or Governmental Mismanagement? Rights Limitations in Austria from Lockdowns to Compulsory Vaccination, in: Arianna Vedaschi (eds), Government Policies to Fight Pandemics: Defining the boundaries of legitimate limitations on fundamental freedoms, Brill (2024) 115–136
- Judging, Fast and Slow. Constitutional Adjudication in Times of COVID-19, in: Saša Zagorc/Samo Bardutzky (eds), USTAVA NA ROBU IZREDNEGA STANJA. ZBORNIK OB TRIDESETI OBLETNICI USTAVE REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE (The Constitution is on the brink of a state of Emergency. Proceeding on the Occasion of the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia), University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law (2024) 400–431
- The Austrian Constitutional Court. A human rights stronghold despite increasing judicial restraint, in: Kálmán Pócza (ed), Constitutional Review in Western Europe (2024) 26–51 (together with Susanne Gstöttner)
- REALaw Blog: The post-codification era of administrative law in Austria,, April 2024 (together with Eleonore Wagenknecht)
- Out of balance? Revisiting Separation of Powers in Times of During the Covid-19 Pandemic, in: Pablo Riberi (ed), Pandemocracy in Latin America, Hart Publishing (2024) 237–256
- The Constitutional Context of Climate Change Litigation. A comparative analysis of Germany and Austria, in: Ivano Alogna/Carole Billiet/Matteo Fermeglia/Alina Holzhausen (eds), Climate Change Litigation in Europe: Comparative & Sectoral Perspectives and the Way Forward, Intersentia Publishing (2024) 59–78
- Challenges of liberal democracy in Austria. Lessons Learned from Current Government Crises, in Mathieu/Katrougalos (eds), The Crisis of Liberal Democracy. Diagnostics and Therapies (2023) 127–138 (together with Kevin Freddy Hinterberger).
- Country Report Austria, in “Barroso/Albert (eds), The 2022 International Review of Constitutional Reform” (2023) (together with Susanne Gstöttner) 36–40
- Codification of Administrative Law in Austria, in: Felix Uhlmann (ed), Codification of Administrative Law. A Comparative Study on the Sources of Administrative Law, Hart Publishing (2023) 39–62
- An Introduction to Austrian Legal Culture, in: Sören Koch / Marius Mikkel Kjølstad (eds)., Handbook on Legal Cultures. A Selection of the World’s Legal Cultures, 1st Edition, Springer International Publishing (2023) 75–105
- Country Report Austria, in “Barroso/Albert (eds), The 2021 International Review of Constitutional Reform” (2022) (together with Susanne Gstöttner) 20–24
- Pandemocracy in Europe. Power, Parliaments and People in Times of COVID-19 (2022) Hart Publishing (together with Matthias C. Kettemann) 376 pages
- Introduction and Acknowledgements, in Kettemann/Lachmayer (eds), Pandemocracy in Europe (2022) 1-6 (together with Kettemann)
- Democracy, Death and Dying: The Potential and Limits of Legal Rationalisation, in Kettemann/Lachmayer (eds), Pandemocracy in Europe. Power, Parliaments and People in Times of COVID-19, Hart Publishing (2022) 47–68. doi: 10.5040/
- Conculsions: Pandemocracy – Governing for the People, without the People?, in Kettemann/Lachmayer (eds), Pandemocracy in Europe (2022) 329–346 (together with Kettemann)
- Country Report Austria, in “Barroso/Albert (eds), The 2020 International Review of Constitutional Reform” (2021) (together with Gstöttner) 21–25
- Formalism and Judicial Self-Restraint as Tools Against Populism? Considerations Regarding Recent Developments of the Austrian Constitutional Court”, in Gárdos-Orosz/Szente (eds), “Populist Challenges to Constitutional Interpretation in Europe and Beyond”, Routledge (2021)
- Legitimacy Deficits of Austrian Legal Covid-19 Measures. From Emergency Action to Economic Crisis Governance, Law and Economics Yearly Review Vol. 9 (2020) 147–161
- Austrian Legal Culture, in Søren Koch/Knut Einar Skodvin/Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde (eds), Comparing legal cultures, 2nd edition (2020) (together with Sonntag) 511–539
- Disempowering Courts. The Interrelationship between Courts and Politics in Contemporary Legal Orders, in Martin Belov (ed), Courts, Politics and Constitutional Law: Judicialization of Politics and Politicization of the Judiciary, Routledge (2019) 31–54
- The Constitution of Austria in International Constitutional Networks: Pluralism, Dialogues and Diversity, in Albi/Bardutzky, National Constitutions in European and Global Governance: Democracy, Rights, the Rule of Law, T.M.C. ASSER PRESS in cooperation with Springer (2019) 1271–1322
- Counter-developments to Global Constitutionalism, in Belov (ed), Global Constitutionalism and Its Challenges to Westphalian Constitutional Law, Hart Publishing (2018) 81-102
- Developments in Austrian Constitutional Law, in: Albert/Landau/Faraguna/Drugda (eds), 2016 Global Review of Constitutional Law, published by I•CONnect and the Clough Center (together with Siess-Scherz) ISBN: 978-0-692-92516-4
(2017) 12–16
- Austrian Legal Culture, in Søren Koch/Knut Einar Skodvin/Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde (eds), Comparing legal cultures (2017) (together with Sonntag) 215–243
- The Austrian Constitutional Court, in: András Jakab/Arthur Dyevre/Giulio Itzcovich (eds), Comparative Constitutional Reasoning, Cambridge University Press (2017)
- Questioning the Basic Values and Jörg Haider – Austria, in: Jakab/Kochenov (eds), The Enforcement of EU Law and Values, Oxford University Press (2017) 436–455
- The Austrian Länder in a “Glocal” Network, in: Calmes-Brunet/Sagar (eds), Fédéralisme, Décentralisation et Régionalisation de l’Europe : Perspectives comparatives (2 vol.), Collection L’Unité du Droit, Volume XVII, Editions L’Epitoge/Collectif l’Unité du Droit (2017) 107–123
- Between International Standards and Transnational Greed. Providing Transnational Rule of Law in Times of Economic Crisis, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law 2016, 1–19
- The Principle of Effective Legal Protection in Administrative Law. A European Comparison (together with Zoltán Szente) Routledge Publishing (2016) 400 pages
- The Relevance of Constitutional Law, Working Paper Series Neo-Federalism No 1 (2015) 24 pages
- Rethinking Privacy Beyond Borders. Developing Transnational Rights on Data Privacy (2015) Tilburg Law Review, 78-102
- Philosophical or Political Foundation of Constitutional Law? Perspectives in Conflict (2014) Facultas Pub. in cooperation with Nomos Pub. (together with Pablo Riberi) 354 pages
- The Challenge to Privacy from Ever Increasing State Surveillance: A Comparative Perspective (together with Normann Witzleb), UNSW Law Journal 2014 Vol 37 (2), 748–783
- Regulatory Constitutional Law, European Networks Law & Regulation Quarterly 2014, 297-300
- International Constitutional Law in Legal Education. Proceedings of the Erasmus Intensive Programme NICLAS 2007–2012 (2014) Facultas Pub. in cooperation with Nomos Pub. (together with Jürgen Busch, Jennifer Kelleher, Geanina Gabriela Turcanu) 327 pages
- The European Court of Human Rights and Public International Law – Fragmentation or Unity? (2014) Facultas Pub. in cooperation with Nomos Pub. (together with Christina Binder) 146 pages
- Teaching Constitutional Comparison. Changing the Culture of Legal Education, in Busch et al (eds), International Constitutional Law in Legal Education (2014) Facultas Pub. in cooperation with Nomos Pub., 13–39
- Constitutional Reasoning as Legitimacy of Constitutional Comparison, German Law Journal 2013, 1463–1491
- Constitutional Courts as »Positive Legislators«, in: Brewer-Carías (ed), Constitutional Courts as Positive Legislators. A Comparative Law Study (2011) Cambridge University Press, 251–263
- Book review: Nóra Chronowski/Tímea Drinozí/Tamara Takács (eds), Governmental Systems of Central and Eastern European States, ICL Journal 2011, 697–698
- Online Paper: Rule of Law in Austria, in: Understandings of the Rule of Law in various Legal Orders of the World, Rule of Law Wiki 2011, (together with Harald Eberhard), 8 pages
- Corporate Social Responsibility. Proceedings of the 5th Vienna Workshop on International Constitutional Law (2010) Facultas Verlag in Kooperation mit Nomos Verlag (gem. mit Christina Binder, Harald Eberhard, Gregor Ribarov, Gerhard Thallinger) 171 Seite
- Constitutional and Anti-Constitutional Responses to Terrorism: The Difficulty of Removing Exclusions from Constitutional Law, City University of Hong Kong Law Review 2010, 5–18
- The NICLAS Study Module: International Constitutional Law as Innovation in Higher Legal Education, in: Diplomatic Academy of Vienna (ed), Can the United Nations be Taught? 96–100 (2009) (together with Jürgen Busch, Joachim Stern)
- Constitutional Limits to Security – An Introduction, in: Eberhard et al (eds), Constitutional Limits to Security. Proceedings of the 4th Vienna Workshop on International Constitutional Law (2009) Facultas Pub. in cooperation with Nomos Pub., 9–19
- European Police Cooperation and its Limits: From Intelligence-led to Coercive Measures?, in: Bernard/Odudu (eds), The Outer Limits of the European Union Law (2009) Hart Publishing, 89–118
- Perspectives and Limits of Democracy. Proceedings of the 3rd Vienna Workshop on International Constitutional Law (2008) Facultas Pub. in cooperation with Nomos Pub. (2008) (together with Harald Eberhard, Gregor Ribarov, Gerhard Thallinger) 170 pages
- Constitutional Reform 2008 in Austria. Analysis and Perspectives, ICL-Journal 2008, 112–123 ( (together with Harald Eberhard)
- FOCUS: Same-sex partnership and marriages, ICL-Journal 1/2008, 54–55 (
- Transitional Constitutionalism. Proceedings of the 2nd Vienna Workshop on International Constitutional Law (2007) Facultas Pub. in cooperation with Nomos Pub. (together with Harald Eberhard, Gerhard Thallinger) 176 pages
- The International Constitutional Law Approach. An introduction to a new perspective on constitutional challenges in a globalizing world, ICL-Journal 2007, 91–100 (
- A Comparative Analysis of Security as an Element of Constitutional Design: Is Global Terrorism Changing the Conditions of International Constitutional Law?, Online Paper submitted at the VIIth World Conference of the International Association of Constitutional Law – Workshop 8: Constitutions and Global Terrorism 2007 (, 15 pages
- Legal aspects of “black biotechnology”. Counter-terrorism between prevention and use of biotechnological products, Journal of International Biotechnology Law 2006, 231–236