constitutional thinking beyond borders
Konrad Lachmayer


Current Projects



Ecological and Safe TRAffic systems by digitalising Law 

Project period: 2023–2025
Cooperation partners: PRISMA solutions EDV-Dienstleistungen GmbH (lead)  /  Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit  /  Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H.  /  FH OÖ Forschungs & Entwicklungs GmbH  /  Land Niederösterreich /  Verkehrsauskunft Österreich VAO GmbH  /  Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität Wien GmbH  /  Autobahnen- und Schnellstraßen- Finanzierungs-Aktiengesellschaft  

Funding: The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)

The StVO has been in use since 1960 - the social environment has changed significantly since then. The usage pressure on public space has increased, requirements for road safety have risen and maintaining legal clarity is becoming more and more difficult due to increasing digitalization. New technologies, new forms of mobility and negative environmental impacts add to the complexity. The instruments of the 1960s are not always sufficient for this. Digitalization offers great potential to better meet the challenges mentioned above.

New ways and forms are needed to formulate traffic regulations in a comprehensive, detailed, dynamic, situation-dependent or target group-oriented manner and thus to design traffic management efficiently and effectively. Digitalization makes it possible that with the appropriate method of digital data transmission, even complex traffic regulations can reach the desired target group of road users in a situation-dependent manner and with full content, and therefore achieve their full potential.

The ESTRAL project (Ecological and Safe TRAffic systems by digitizing Law) therefore aims to develop recommendations for action for the creation of digital legal provisions in road traffic on the basis of selected use cases for the purpose of increasing the safety, efficiency and sustainability of the traffic system as well as the presentation of the resulting benefits.



Strategy and implementation preparation for traffic information through integrated traffic management in the mobility system

Project period: 2023–2025
Cooperation partners: Autobahnen- und Schnellstraßen- Finanzierungs-Aktiengesellschaft (lead)  /  QUINTESSENZ Organisationsberatung GmbH  /  Österreichischer Automobil-, Motorrad- und Touring Club (ÖAMTC)  /  Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit  / Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H.ÖBB-Infrastruktur Aktiengesellschaft  /  Österreichischer Rundfunk  /  Mobilitätsverbünde Österreich OG

Funding: The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)

Traffic participants seek reliable traffic information and efficient mobility opportunities with suitable alternatives offered even in case of disturbances. Restricted opportunities for new constructions to increase capacity lead to a significantly grown need for integrated traffic information and integrated traffic management for efficient use of the available capacities.

In order to leverage this potential and achieve the goals of the mobility master plan, we need to define comprehensive traffic information and traffic management measures as well as strategic, operational and legal prerequisites.

The operators of the national transport infrastructure, ÖBB Infra and ASFINAG, as well as the mobility associations Austria MVO and the operators of national traffic editorial offices, ORF and ÖAMTC, are committed to the goals already formulated within the framework of ITS Austria. Their aim is to substantially improve traffic information and traffic management through integration and cooperation in Austria. At this point, regional traffic management centers or traffic management centers for specific networks are responsible for traffic management. But a comprehensive, operationally active, integrated traffic management is not established.

The study SAM-AT will target technical, legal and organizational requirements for integrated traffic management and traffic information as well as a set-up plan with recommended measures. Existing regional and supra-regional institutions as well as responsibilities and the foundation of the last years work in the area of digitization and ITS (e.g. GIP, VAO, EVIS and DOMINO) are taken into account. Essential input will be derived from the exchange and alignment with the stakeholders concerned, in particular operators, authorities and local authorities.

The common understanding of the partners is that the set-up plan of SAM-AT will enable integrated traffic management measures of the future and that this will be a reliable basis for the traffic information and recommendations issued by public and private agencies on all their respective channels. This information should increase the confidence of traffic participants in the recommendations of the operators and enable steering effects in accordance with the mobility master plan in the sense of avoiding-shifting-improving mobility.

Vienna's mobility climate

Wiener Mobilitätsklima

Everyday mobility practices of Viennese people and their experience of climate-related control measures

Project period: 2024–2025
Cooperation partners:  Katharina Hametner / Markus Wrbouschek 
Funding: Stadt Wien

Das interdisziplinäres Forschungsprojekt „Wiener Mobilitätsklima“ ist an der Schnittstelle von Psychologie und Rechtswissenschaften angesiedelt. Es beschäftigt sich mit der alltäglichen Mobilitätspraxis von Wiener*innen und deren Erleben klimabezogener und das Mobilitätsverhalten betreffender, rechtlicher Steuerungsmaßnahmen. Mobilitätspraktiken stehen dabei im Zusammenhang mit der jeweiligen sozialen Lage stehen, weshalb speziell die Wechselwirkungen von Bedingungen sozialer Ungleichheit, rechtlicher Steuerungsmaßnahmen und konkreter Mobilitätspraktiken in den Blick genommen werden müssen, um so einen Beitrag zu einer klimaschonenden Mobilitätswende zu leisten.

In diesem Sinne verfolgt das Forschungsprojekt das Ziel der Rekonstruktion einer Typologie alltäglicher Mobilitätspraktiken von Wiener*innen, wobei subjektive Erfahrungen und Einstellungen konkreter Mobilitätssteuerungsmaßnahmen vor dem Hintergrund der je spezifischen sozialen Lage analysiert werden sollen. Damit verbunden verfolgt das Forschungsprojekt das Ziel Bedingungen für die bessere Akzeptanz von Steuerungsmaßnahmen zur Stärkung klimabezogener Mobilität herauszuarbeiten.

Zur Identifikation der Mobilitätspraxis von Wiener*innen sowie der Einstellung gegenüber von Steuerungsmaßnahmen werden Gruppendiskussionen durchgeführt, deren Analyse zu konkreten Handlungsempfehlungen als Ergebnis dieses Forschungsprojekts führen sollen, wie die rechtliche Steuerung einer Mobilitätswende im urbanen Bereich auf eine dafür notwendige Einstellungswende unter Berücksichtigung der ökosozialen Herausforderungen gestützt werden kann.

Possibilities and limits of an ecological reform of the federal constitution in Austria

Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer ökologischen Reform der Bundesverfassung in Österreich


Project period: 2024
Cooperation partners: Christoph Müller
Funding: Merlin Stiftung

Das seit Anfang der 1970er Jahre qualitativ und quantitativ enorm gewachsene Umweltrecht konnte die massive und mehrdimensionale ökologische Krise nicht verhindern. Es versucht Infrastruktur, Produktionsprozesse, Produkte und Dienstleistungen umweltverträglich zu gestalten, indem es der Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft Grenzen setzt, wo diese (zu sehr) in die natürlichen Ressourcen und Ökosysteme eingreifen. Dabei wird jedoch die im permanenten Wirtschaftswachstum angelegte Steigerung der produzierten Mengen nicht adressiert. Diese bedeutet, dass sich die erforderliche Transformation nicht auf Instrumente der Umweltverträglichkeit beschränken kann, sondern sich auch auf das Wachstumskonzept selbst beziehen muss.  Zur Disposition stehen neben dem klassischen Umweltrecht vor allem wesentliche Teile des Wirtschaftsrechts sowie die verfassungsrechtliche Festschreibung fundamentaler sozio-ökonomischer Strukturen.

Ziel des Forschungsprojekts ist es die österreichische Verfassungsordnung, insbesondere das bestehende, durch die Bundesverfassung sowie das Unionsprimärrecht und das Völkerrecht festgelegte und garantierte, marktwirtschaftliche Wirtschaftssystem um eine vertiefte ökologische Dimension zu erweitern und dabei auf bestehenden Elementen aufzubauen. Ausgehend von einer wesentlich stärkeren Verankerung eines öko-sozialen Verfassungsprinzips über kompetenzrechtliche Weichenstellungen und die institutionelle Stärkung durch Einrichtung bestimmter Organe bis hin zur Erweiterung und Vertiefung der Grundrechte stehen auf verfassungsrechtlicher Ebene vielfältige Konzepte zur Verfügung, wobei der künftige demokratische Prozess nicht zu stark eingeschränkt werden soll. Zu diesem Zweck werden vergleichbare Ansätze in anderen nationalen Verfassungen sowie die damit verbundenen Rechtsprechungslinien in und außerhalb Europas untersucht sowie best practices identifiziert.

Completed Projects

JUDICON-EU: Judicial Constraints on Legislatures in Europe 1990-2020

JUDICON-EU: Judicial Constraints on Legislatures in Europe 1990-2020

Project period: 2020–2022
Cooperation partners: Kálmán Pócza, National University of Public Service /
Centre for Social Sciences Budapest (lead)
Funding: Hungarian Academy of Sciences

JUDICON-EU is an international comparative research project that aims to map the diversity and measure the strength of judicial decisions, as well as explain judicial behavior vis-á-vis the legislative branch in Europe. Recent confrontations between constitutional courts and parliamentary majorities have attracted international interest in the relationship between the judiciary and the legislature. Several political actors have argued that courts have assumed too much power, politics has been extremely judicialised. These claims are explicitly or implicitly connected to the charge that courts have constrained the room for manoeuvre of the legislatures too heavily. Nevertheless, the question to what extent has this aggregation of power constrained the dominant political actors’ room for manoeuvre has never been examined accurately and systematically. The JUDICON-EU research project is trying to fill this gap in the literature.



Project period: 2020–2022
Cooperation parnter:  PRISMA solutions EDV-Dienstleistungen GmbH (lead)
Funding: Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)

The use of automated vehicles on public roads raises questions about the binding implementation of the existing road traffic law framework. Ensuring that the various generally applicable national road traffic regulations are correctly interpreted and followed by the automated vehicles is essential. At every point in the road network, at any time and in any situation, it has to be as clear as possible to every human road user as well as every automated vehicle what they are and are not allowed to do. The project's objective is to create the basis for this, taking all circumstances into account. A legal, technical and organisational concept must be developed, including an implementation timetable for its realisation. In addition, the setting up of an expert dialogue will ensure that the topic is embedded in principle amongst relevant stakeholders and further input for the project work can be gained and the foundation will be prepared for the necessary implementation steps.

EXTRA LAW - MOBILITY - Experimentierräume im Verkehrs- und Mobilitätsrecht

EXTRA LAW - MOBILITY - Experimentierräume im Verkehrs- und Mobilitätsrecht

Project period: 2019–2020
Cooperation partner:  Iris Eisenberger
Funding: Federal Ministry for Mobility, Innovation and Technology

The aim of this interdisciplinary Study is to develop a new (legal) framework for testing innovative transport technologies and mobility concepts in Austria. The analysis of feasible legal options within the Austrian road traffic and mobility law is carried out considering relevant instruments and provisions in international and EU law. Furthermore, taking into account particular technological aspects guarantees that the study is based on relevant scenarios. The developed overall concept for living labs serves to expand potential testing options and to enable comprehensive, innovative research projects in the area of road traffic and mobility.

Fundamental rights knowledge in Austria

Fundamental rights knowledge in Austria

Project period: 2017–2020
Cooperation partner: Robert Rothmann
Funding: constitutional thinking beyond borders

Fundamental rights form a key pillar of a democratic constitutional state. The constitution grants subjective rights to individuals. However, in order to assert those rights, one needs to know them in the first place. Despite the crucial importance of fundamental rights, the knowledge of the Austrian population on this subject has not been subject of empirical legal studies. The objective of this research project is to close this gap and collect empirical data on the knowledge of Austrians about their fundamental rights. On this basis a reflection on possible deficits of the Austrian fundamental rights education becomes possible and potential for future developments and improvements can be illustrated.