constitutional thinking beyond borders
Konrad Lachmayer

ICL Workshop


In the age of globalization and Europeanization, the relevance of International Constitutional Law steadily increases. The urgent necessity to shed light on the concepts of national constitutions is reflected by the European process of constitutionalization as well as the reform of the United Nations.

The ‘young’ constitutions of (South) Eastern Europe or South Africa as well as the new constitutions of Afghanistan or Iraq clearly show the importance of academic research on constitutions not only from a national but also from an international perspective.

International Constitutional Law in its role as legal discipline combines aspects of constitutional law, public international law, European law and legal theory. At an academic level students shall learn to understand constitutions in their historic but in particular in their contemporary context and learn to question constitutional concepts instead of accepting them as sacrosanct.

International Constitutional Law represents a paradigm shift away from the General Theory of Law and State (Allgemeine Staatslehre) to research on constitutions in general, thereby transcending state frontiers regarding both regional and international organizations. In the long term, the Vienna Workshop on International Constitutional Law was thereby established a scientific platform and network for people interested in the subject matter of research.



Univ.-Prof. Dr. Harald Eberhard

Assoz.-Prof. MMag. Dr. Christina Binder, E.MA

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Konrad Lachmayer
Dr. Gregor Ribarov
Dr. Gerhard Thallinger, LL.M. (NYU)


ICL Workshops

– 2012:  8th Vienna Workshop on International Constitutional Law

“The Reception of Public International Law in the Jurisprudence of the ECtHR: Sign of Fragmentation or Unity?”

  • Venue: 2.11.2012: Marietta Blau Saal, University of Vienna, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna
  • Programme

– 2011:  7th Vienna Workshop on International Constitutional Law

“Constitutional Comparison and Constitution-Making”

  • Venue: 13.5.2011: WU, Vienna University of Economics and Business , Großer Sitzungssaal,  Augasse 2-6, 1090 Vienna
  • Programme

– 2010:  6th Vienna Workshop on International Constitutional Law

“Critical Perspectives on the Rule of Law”

  • Venue: 7.–8.5.2010: WU, Vienna University of Economics and Business , Großer Sitzungssaal,  Augasse 2-6, 1090 Vienna
  • Programme

 – 2009:  5th Vienna Workshop on International Constitutional Law

“Corporate Social Responsibility”

  • Venue: 15.–16.5.2009: WU, Vienna University of Economics and Business , Großer Sitzungssaal,  Augasse 2-6, 1090 Vienna
  • Programme

– 2008:  4th Vienna Workshop on International Constitutional Law

“Constitutional Limits to Security”

  • Venue: 16.–17.5.2008: Vienna University Law School, Juridicum (Top floor), Schottenbastei 10-16, 1010 Vienna
  • Programme

 – 2007:  3rd Vienna Workshop on International Constitutional Law

“Perspectives and Limits of Democracy”

  • Venue: 11.–12.5.2007: Vienna University Law School, Juridicum (Top floor), Schottenbastei 10-16, 1010 Vienna
  • Programme

– 2006:  2nd Vienna Workshop on International Constitutional Law

“Transitional Constitutionalism”

  • Venue: 19.–20.5.2006: Vienna University Law School, Juridicum (Top floor), Schottenbastei 10-16, 1010 Vienna
  • Programme

– 2005:  1st Vienna Workshop on International Constitutional Law

  • Venue: 20.–21.5.2005: Vienna University Law School, Juridicum (Top floor), Schottenbastei 10-16, 1010 Vienna



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