constitutional thinking beyond borders
Lecture:  The Constitutional Dimension of Counter-Terrorism

Lecture: The Constitutional Dimension of Counter-Terrorism

Date: Wednesday, 15th April 2015
Place: University of Bergen, Norway

I gave a lecture on “The Constitutional Dimension of Counter-Terrorism” in the Research Group for Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure:

In the last 15 years a constitutional struggle regarding counter-terrorism measures can be observed around the world. The presentation will analyse in a comparative approach the effects of counter-terrorism measures and how it changed the constitutional architecture. In a global perspective, various counter-terrorism measures were introduced, which are affecting almost every human right (including right to life, prohibition of torture, procedural rights, freedom of speech and right to privacy). The “War on Terrorism” changed towards a new cons titutional order, which includes counter-terrorism security as a permanent element of constitutional law. Finally, the presentation will give an outlook on what to expect in the next years.