constitutional thinking beyond borders
Vortrag: Nuclear Imaginaries in Japan: From Hiroshima to Fukushima

Vortrag: Nuclear Imaginaries in Japan: From Hiroshima to Fukushima

Kyoko Sato von der Standford University spricht am 21. Juni 2017 über „Nuclear Imaginaries in Japan: From Hiroshima to Fukushima“ an der Universität für Bodenkultur.

Eine weitere Veranstaltung der LTS-Vortragsreihe von Univ.-Prof. Iris Eisenberger und Konrad Lachmayer.

Teilnahme kostenlos. Anmeldung bis zum  19. Juni 2017 erbeten:

The talk will explore the question of how Hiroshima and Fukushima have shaped, refined and modified the specific configurations of ideas that anchor nuclear governance. How are they related to the way policy, politics, and technology have developed and what implications do they have for the future of nuclear governance?

LTS Ankündigung Sato