constitutional thinking beyond borders
Vortrag: Distributed Selves: Technology and Rights in the Digital Age

Vortrag: Distributed Selves: Technology and Rights in the Digital Age

Prof. Sheila Jasanoff von der Harvard University spricht am 25. April 2018 über „Distributed Selves: Technology and Rights in the Digital Age“ an der Universität für Bodenkultur.

Mittwoch, 25. April 2018, 12:00 – 13:30
Ort: Guttenberg Haus | Seminarraum SR 01, Erdgeschoß, Feistmantelstraße 4, 1180 Wien

Im Sinne der englischen Tradition der Lunchtime Lecture wird für Verpflegung gesorgt.

Teilnahme kostenlos. Anmeldung erbeten:

Eine weitere Veranstaltung der LTS-Vortragsreihe von Univ.-Prof. Iris Eisenberger und Konrad Lachmayer.

It is 2018. In the era of cell lines, genome editing, and digital shadows, do you know who and where you are, let alone what your rights are and how these are be protected? How can constitutions and laws drafted for a simpler time — a time when our bodies, minds, and selves seemed more integrated — rise to the challenges of this fragmented age? In this talk, I combine thinking from legal studies and science and technology studies to indicate why we need renewed reflection on the idea of the “human” to which we have attached so much of our thinking on rights.
