constitutional thinking beyond borders
Vortrag: Community Mobilization Strategies in Cambodia

Vortrag: Community Mobilization Strategies in Cambodia

Stephan Sonnenberg von der Jigme Singye Wangchuck School of Law spricht über „Community Mobilization Strategies in Cambodia“ an der Universität für Bodenkultur in Wien (Guttenberg Haus, Seminarraum SR 02, Erdgeschoß, Feistmantelstraße 4, 1180 Wien).

Eine weitere Veranstaltung der LTS-Vortragsreihe von Univ.-Prof. Iris Eisenberger und Konrad Lachmayer.

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Over a period of two years beginning in 2013, Stephan Sonnenberg supervised a research initiative in collaboration with (LICADHO) a prominent Cambodian human rights organization to document “successful” examples of community mobilization in Cambodia, and through that effort to capture the essence of what distinguishes such “successful” examples from other, less successful or less effective efforts. The research grew organically, focusing on communities struggling to defend their land rights as well as examples of labor mobilization, and unfolded during a time period of growing mobilization across the country, in a broad variety of contexts. The talk will focus both on the experiences of such community mobilization efforts, as well as on the pertinent lessons for the international development community — especially those efforts prioritizing community empowerment as one of its key desired outcomes.