constitutional thinking beyond borders
Band 01: Transitional Constitutionalism

Band 01: Transitional Constitutionalism

Eberhard Harald /  Lachmayer Konrad / Thallinger Gerhard (eds.)

Transitional Constitutionalism

Proceedings of the 2nd Vienna Workshop on International Constitutional Law

2007, Facultas.wuv in cooperation with Nomos
176 pages
ISBN: 978-3-85114-990-6

Transitional Constitutionalism forms an essential part of International Constitutional Law. It deals with the necessity of a provisional constitutional framework in times of transition and explores various aspects of drafting new constitutions. The proceedings focus on the constitutional aspects of the following transitional situations:
• Sudan
• Chile
• Argentina
• Lithuania
• East Timor
• Kosovo
Furthermore, the proceedings elaborate on the role of the UN Peacebuilding Commission in situations of transition.