constitutional thinking beyond borders
Konrad Lachmayer

Curriculum Vitae

Education and Training

2010-2011    Management Certificate “Systemic Leadership in institutions with public responsibilities” (Postgraduate Center, University of Vienna)

2010    Habilitation thesis on “European Security Governance and the Rule of Law” Habilitation at the University of Vienna (Priv.-Doz.)
Venia: Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, European Law

2004    European University Institute Florence (EUI): participation in the XVth Session of the Academy of European Law on Human Rights Law

2003-2005    Training as an e-learning expert (use of e-learning for university education)

2000-2002    Doctoral Studies in Legal Science at the University of Vienna ( “Dr. iuris”)
Thesis: “Advisory Boards in Federal Administration”

1996-2000   Studies of Law at the University of Vienna, graduation (“Mag. iuris”)

Professional Experience

2018 –           Vice Dean of research at the faculty of law, Sigmund Freud University Vienna

2018-2020   Visiting Fellow, Durham Law School (UK)

2017-            Professor at the Sigmund Freud University in Vienna

2014-2016   Research Fellow, Durham Law School (UK)

2013-2016   Research Chair, Institute of Legal Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre of Social Sciences

2013    Parental leave

2012-2017   Independent Reseacher in Vienna

2012    DAAD-Grant: Institute of European Studies, Hamburg

2004-2012   Postdoctoral research fellow and senior lecturer at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law at the University of Vienna (Prof. Bernd-Christian Funk)

2011    Research Project “The role of constitutional comparison in constitution-making processes in central and eastern Europe”, Central European University (CEU), Budapest, Research Grant of the Austrian Research Association (ÖFG)

2009-2010    Parental leave

2008    Humboldt-Experienced Researcher
Max-Planck Institute of International and Comparative Public Law, Heidelberg, Germany

2007-2008    Faculty Visitor, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Law
Visiting-Scholarship-Wolfson College, Cambridge, UK

2002-2003    Legal department of the Austrian road safety board

2000-2004    Research assistant and lecturer at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law at the University of Vienna (Prof. Bernd-Christian Funk)


Awards, Research Grants, etc

2013:    International Travel Grant – Monash University Melbourne (Australia)

2013:    Lehren Lecturer for international impulse “Lehren. The Alliance for Academic Teaching” – Invitation of the University of Hamburg, Project Grant “Enabling Spaces. Space in Legal Education”

2012:    Research Grant of the German Exchange Service (DAAD), Institute of European Studies, Hamburg “Possibilities and Limits of the European Human Rights Protection”

2010:    Research Grant of the Austrian Research Association (ÖFG) for a half-year research stay at CEU, Budapest

2008: Life-Long-Learning Award for the organization of the NICLAS summer school as best ERAMUS project in Austria 2008

2008:    Scholarship by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)

2008:    Research prize of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for experienced researchers

2007:    Award of the Theodor-Körner Fund with regard to the Habilitation project

2007:    Research Award of the “Juristischen Blätter”






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